Cosmic Meteorites & Other Burners

July 17 - August 22, 2020


Philip Hanson, What fortitude the Soul contains (Dickinson), 2015, oil on canvas
25 1/4 x 25 1/4 inches; 27 x 27 x 1 3/4 inches framed
Carol Jackson, Pandemonium, 2013, wood, acrylic, papier måché, and inkjet print, 17 x 25 x 20 inches
Molly Zuckerman-Hartung, Dirty Window #3, 2016, Latex, bleach, and dye on sewn muslin, 36 x 24 inches
David Hartt, Carolina II
2017, archival pigment print mounted to Dibond, 36 x 54 inches, Edition of 6 + 1 AP
Josiah McElheny, Blue Cosmic Meteorite Viewer I, 2018, hand-formed and polished blue meteorite, low-iron
mirror, blue architectural mirror, blue architectural sheet glass, Douglas fir, 11 x 12 x 14 inches
Josiah McElheny, Cosmic Galaxy Painting 488, 2018, acrylic paint on board with inset, hand-formed and polished “micromosaic” glass, black mirror, 17 x 17 x 1 1/2 inches
Magalie Guérin, Untitled (res 2.4), 2019, oil on canvas on panel, 30 x 24 inches
John Sparagana, The Berlin Suite, 2009, set of eight fatigued, sliced, and mixed magazine pages on paper, approximately 23 1/4 x 15 1/2 inches each
Lui Shtini, Press N’ Spread, 2018, graphite and pastel on paper, 38 x 50 inches
Miyoko Ito, Interior Landscape, 1973, oil on canvas, 47 x 40 inches
Richard Wetzel, Hidden Door, 1973, acrylic and image transfer on Plexiglas, 33 1/2 x 25 1/2 x 3/4 inches
Dominick Di Meo, Head, 1966, acrylic and tacks on shaped canvas, 28 x 36 inches (ellipse)
Christina Forrer, His Arm Became Her Leg, 2020, cotton, wool and ink on paper, 42 x 58 inches
Cauleen Smith, Sinners Keep On Trying: O.D.B., 2019, glazed cassius basalt ceramic, 15 x 10 x 9 inches
Cauleen Smith, Sinners Keep On Trying: Rick James, 2019, glazed cassius basalt ceramic, 17 x 8 x 11 inches
Cauleen Smith, Sinners Keep On Trying: Madikizela, 2019, glazed cassius basalt ceramic, 12 x 11 x 7 inches

Press Release

Corbett vs. Dempsey is thrilled to announce Cosmic Meteorites & Other Burners, a group show and CvsD's first in-real-space exhibition since March.

In a thurible, an incense is lit and burned, transforming solid into gas. An act of everyday magic, it's what in physics they call a phase transition: the change of matter from one state into another. The very moment that ice thaws. That water evaporates. That fire consumes wood. Change is inherently fraught; transition is both traumatic and refreshing, a shedding of skin leading to a new manifestation filled with potential and optimism. Inspired by Cauleen Smith's ceramic "burners," which she made to send plumes of colored smoke up during her processions, and by Josiah McElheny's "Blue Cosmic Meteorite Viewer #1," a sculpture that presents a flame-kissed glass object from another omniverse, this exhibition gathers together work that represents the utopian potential of transitions. From the ultra-subtle color gradients in paintings by Miyoko Ito and Philip Hanson to the fiery beast in Dominick Di Meo's "Head," from the image of an animal skull returning to the dirt in David Hartt's photography to Christina Forrer's anatomically ambiguous tapestry "His Arm Became Her Leg," this show embraces the shifts and shakes, the tumultuous process of transforming, that creates an opening to cross through our contemporary transfigured night. The exhibition includes a floor sculpture by Carol Jackson, paintings by Molly Zuckerman-Hartung and Magalie Guérin, a large-scale drawing by Lui Shtini, John Sparagana's hand-distressed magazine pages collectively titled "The Berlin Suite," and a luminous work back-painted on Plexi with ink transfer by Richard Wetzel. The exhibition may be viewed in person by appointment, Tuesdays through Saturdays, noon to 4pm. Please call 773-278-1664 to schedule a visit.